139 research outputs found


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    AKHMAD HIDAYAT: English language learning is a process where all aspects of English (listening, reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary, and grammar) are interconnected. Consequently, in order for learners to develop their speaking proficiency, all aspects of languages must be involved. Due to a lack of English exposure in non-English speaking countries, most learners do not have sufficient opportunity to improve their oral proficiency in English. However, error analysis has been conducted to identify strategies which learners use in language learning, to track the causes of learner’s errors, obtain information on common difficulties in language learning or on how to prepare teaching materials (Richards et al., 1996:127). This final project primally deals with error analysis. It describes the grammatical errors in thesis abstract made by the students of English Department. The writer used the qualitative approach of which data were obtained from thesis abstract student of English language teaching department of IAIN Cirebon. The errors in their speaking were analyzed by following surface structure. According to Dulay, Burt and Krashen (1982) that specifies four types of errors namely misformation, misordering, addition, and omission. The methods will be used by the researcher to get the data in this research is as follows; Documentation; by this method, writer seeks the data about the error of thesis abstract English students of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. In this research, researcher will do the analyze the datas with the papers abstract and to find the data about cause of errors. From the result in Chapter II the writer can conclude that the analysis with 20 papers of thesis abstract. They made 63 phrases when they write thesis abstract.Total of omission is 11 phrases, addition error is 7 phrases, misformation error is 45 phrases. From the analyze in Chapter III conclude that possible factors students’ error is in interlingual errror. Many students made error because their translation and carelessness, and also from the intralingual error students such as simplification. It suggested that the students are still making a lot of grammatical error exactly in misformation, addition, and omission that are influenced by the lack of students on understanding English grammar. Key words:Error analysis, grammatical error, Omission, Addition and Misformatio


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    Meningkatnya popularitas internet dan World Wide Web pada tahun 1990- an, telah membawa era baru dalam penyampaian informasi, dimana internet telah menjadi media publikasi yang sangat populer. Seseorang dapat dengan mudahnya mempublikasikan atau mengakses suatu informasi dalam kurun waktu yang tidak terbatas. Untuk bisa mengunggah layanan informasi kita ke dunia internet diperlukan adanya domain dan hosting. Penyedia jasa domain dan hosting dinegara kita sudah sangat menjamur. Sebuah perusahaan hosting provider menggunakan berbagai macam perangkat lunak untuk mempermudah control mereka terhadap jasa yang akan diberikan. Namun dalam prakteknya seseorang yang akan menyewa jasa domain dan hosting harus melakukan order melalui website online secara langsung baik melalui warung internet maupun melalui laptop atau komputer rumah. Dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah penulis membuat sebuah aplikasi billing untuk membantu proses order yang berjalan pada hanheld atau smarthphone android. Pembuatan aplikasi ini telah dilakukan beberapa langkah yaitu merancang system informasi dengan menyusun table-tabel dan merancang konsep program serta desain sesuai dengan kebutuhan menggunakan sistem operasi Android. Sehingga mampu terkoneksi dengan baik dengan system billing yang sudah ada menggunakan system API. Aplikasi billing ini dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pembelian domain dan hosting sehingga menjadi lebih praktis. Dalam hasil uji coba system yang telah selesai dan berhasil dibuat, Aplikasi ini mampu terintegrasi dengan baik dengan billing yang digunakan sebelumnya dan telah di implementeasikan pada smartphone Android 2.3

    The Influence of Service Quality, Religious Commitment and Trust on The Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty and Decision to Do The Transaction in Mandiri Sharia Bank Of Jawatimur

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    This study tested the causal relationship of service quality, religious commitment and trust on customers’ satisfaction, loyalty and decision to repeat their transaction in sharia banking services. This research used quantitative approach to describe the causal relationship between the variables through hypothesis testing. The samples in this research are 160 respondents.  Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze this research. This research findings shows that the quality of service and customers’ trust, satisfaction and loyalty simultaneously influenced the decision to repeat their transaction in that banking service. The customers’ satisfaction and loyalty are intervening variables that linked the service quality and the customers’ trust with the decision to repeat their banking transaction. The religious commitment had insignificant influence toward the service quality; however, it had significant influence toward the loyalty and decision to repeat their banking transaction.Penelitian ini menguji hubungan kausalitas kualitas layanan, kepercayaan dan komitmen beragama nasabah terhadap kepuasan, loyalitas dan keputusan bertransaksi ulang  layanan perbankan syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bermaksud memberikan penjelasan hubungan kausalitas antar variabel melalui pengujian hipotesis. Jumlah sampel penelitian sejumlah 160 responden. Analisis yang digunakan adalah model persamaan struktural (Structural Equation Modeling atau SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan dan kepercayaan nasabah, kepuasan dan loyalitas secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap keputusan bertransaksi ulang  layanan perbankan. Kepuasan dan loyalitas nasabah menjadi variabel intervening yang menghubungkan kualitas layanan dan kepercayaan nasabah dengan keputusan bertransaksi ulang  layanan perbankan. Komitmen beragama berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kualitas layanan, namun berpengaruh signfikan terhadap loyalitas dan keputusan bertransaksi ulang  layanan perbanka


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    PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) is one of the state-owned industries and manufactures engaged in the maritime sector. This company has production equipment complete enough to carry out its production of ship components. There is a problem in this machine, it can be seen by the frequency of damage that occurs to machines or equipment due to the damage so that the production target is sometimes not achieved. Another consequence caused by damage to machines or equipment is in terms of the quality of the resulting product, where products that do not comply with quality standards will be reprocessed. Increasing production efficiency at this company is to measure the effectiveness of CNC Cutting machines using the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) method. The results of this study suggest that the company should pay more attention to factors of use of production time, work according to standards, operator knowledge, and maintenance of machines. By paying attention to these factors, it is expected that the company's productivity will increase and the production process will run effectively and efficiently

    Analisa Pengaruh Aspek-Aspek Ruhiyyah Terhadap Minat Penanaman Modal Nasabah Study Kasus Bmt Bintoro Madani

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    BMT Bintoro Madanis hoped to be usefull for its surrounding, Phisicily, the building or BMT Bintoro Madani ’s office is tried to reflect a sheitered frienship and having harmony with its surrounding. Socially the working programme the working of BMT Bintoro Madani employees should be able to create a good people, such to arrange a meeting and deepen Alqur ‘an, periodically with the member of the office or the people of the BMT’s surrounding, or to commemorate the Islam day on BMT Bintoro Madani ‘s environment.This study have had some objective as follow : 1.To give a picture of micro-financial institution as a shape of of financial institutions of village establisment system which is based on “Balaiusaha Mandiri Terpadu (BMT) in a country which has proble ms in getting a trustment from the creditur institutions whether institutionally or individually. 2.To help in pioneering the establishment of the micro-financial institutions(LKM) in this case especially the objective of this study is to find some ways in controlling and evaluating which is based on the result of the institution work, in line with the value of the credibleinstitutions healthy. 3.To find some strastegic ways which can support the BMT institution, especially in controlling ang evaluating based on the institution work. 4. To find the effective ways to increase the lawyer ‘s trust to collect the capital and to make go out the cost, to increase the workers opportunity and develop the house - industry. The continuously of BMT institution and it can fun ctioning well which has developed about 10.000 institution in Indonesia, as institution which support the economic activities of micro - industry, small and middle - industry is made by the reaching formulations of the BMT healthy level. So it can give whether for the institution itself or the lawyer. Based from that illustration which is possible done by other BMT institution in whole Indonesia ini facing the same problems. So the advantage of this study which are done for analyzing the working of BMT Bintoro Madani welfare are as follows : 1.Tobe able in analyzing the BMT ‘s participation which is as an institution connected between the owner who save their money in the institution with the micro business which need capital to develope this industry (effort). It can also be used by another BMT in Indonesia for looking for themselves about the function itself. 2.To analyse BMT participation as an institution to give an opportunity than is usefull for the owner and the micro anf small even middle-industry 3.To be able in giving an illustration about the opportunity in increasing the effort‘s skill for the small and middle-industry by doing the erection pattern and the approximation of Muamalah institution. 4.Tobe able in giving consideration in making fund to increase communications as information and to promote the product from the micro, small and middle-industry. 5.To participate in finding and introducing the technology, so It can increase the additional value of micro, small ang middle-industry. 6.To limit the social differentiation between the member and the society. 7.To be able to practice in reality life between “UBUDIAH” religious ang Muamalah religious. A poor BMT shows that there are some mistake in managing not only in management sector, in institutionally but also in moeslem law. If it didn’t anticipate, the BMT institution would face many difficulties in doing their business. And in the end, it would be sink ang have a loss. Beside it can also make negative value for the institution and the axistance of BMT and generally for the mouslem financial institution in tht society. Remembering that the financial institution is as must service which is easy with information that involves of managing the BMT institution pattern in Indonesia

    Analisis Risiko dan Pengendalian K3 di Area Workshop pada Garasi Angkutan Luar PT. XYZ Menggunakan Metode Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

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    PT. XYZ is a company engaged in logistics facilities for industry which provides services for commodity management, commodity transportation, commodity distribution, industrial land preparation, workshops and various other service needs. Organizational structure at PT head office. XYZ is divided into 16 fields starting from K3, HR, internal transportation, external transportation and so on. The external transportation sector is a field that is tasked with regulating transportation operations such as dump trucks to transport fertilizers outside the PT area. XYZ and outside the city, and in the external transport garage there are two activities, namely office activities and dump truck repair activities such as welding work and other repair activities which have a risk of work accidents due to this work, as well as potential dangers, for example exposure to dust and smoke, exposure to welding rays, and the risk of fire is also prone to occur. JSA (Job Safety Analysis) is a method used as a consideration in identifying hazards in the work environment and determining controls that are deemed appropriate in an effort to control the occurrence of work accidents. The aim of this research is to find out how to analyze potential hazards that arise and efforts to control them. This research is devoted to analyzing risks in the welding section in the workshop area of PT's external transportation garage of XYZ. From the results of the risk assessment in the dump truck welding section, it can be seen that the types of hazards have a high classification level, namely: Exposure to welding light 15, exposure to dust, smoke and gas 15, electric shock 15, noise 15, and those with a medium classification level. /Medium, namely: Fire 10, exposure to sparks 12, and those with a low/Low classification level, namely: exposure to a hot plate 4

    Diseminasi Analisis Risiko Operasional Di Area Produksi PT. XYZ Dengan Metode Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

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    In carrying out the production process, every company will definitely face risks. These risks can be in the form of risks that have small to large impacts. The risks that occur in the production area of ​​PT. XYZ, which is engaged in the production of packaged powder drinks, namely instant ground coffee, is the target for the dissemination of the study results. This activity aims to disseminate the impact that will occur from the risks and solutions that need to be done to deal with these risks with reference to the study literature. To identify risks, the literature uses an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach. This method requires factual data obtained from interviews with the Head of the Production Division of PT. XYZ as a partner, and direct observations in the production area. The results of this dissemination activity indicate that the operational risks that may occur in the production area of ​​PT. XYZ broadly includes: human resource risk, machine breakdown risk, production area cleanliness risk, and powder processing delays. Related to company secrets, the company name and documentation of dissemination activities in the form of photos is not displayed

    Pembangunan Singapura Sebagai Pusat Perdagangan di Asia Tenggara Pada Masa Gubernur Jenderal Raffles 1819-1820

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    Singapore in the period before Raffles' arrival was an area that was still covered in forests, mangroves, and mud. Raffles that who had renewed the agreement in 1785 with the Sultan of Johor then bought and built Singapore into a very strategic and bustling international port and trading city center. This study aims to explain Singapore's growth after Raffles' presence, explain Raffles' efforts in building Singapore, and explain Raffles' successful policy in building Singapore as a trading center. The research method used is the historical method through the stages, namely; heuristics, criticism, verification, interpretation and historiography. The results of this study provide information about the impact of the arrival of governor-general Raffles in the economy in Singapore, which can also affect progress in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.Singapura pada masa sebelum kedatangan Raffles merupakan wilayah yang masih tertutup hutan, bakau, dan lumpur. Raffles yang telah memperbaharui persetujuan pada tahun 1785 dengan Sultan Johor kemudian membeli dan membangun Singapura menjadi pusat pelabuhan dan kota dagang internasional yang sangat strategis dan ramai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pertumbuhan Singapura setelah kehadiran Raffles, menjelaskan upaya Raffles dalam membangun Singapore, dan menjelaskan kebijakan Raffles yang sukses membangun Singapura selaku pusat perdagangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah melalui tahapan yaitu; heuristik, kritik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan sebuah informasi tentang dampak kedatangan gubernur jenderal Raffles dalam bidang perekonomian di Singapura yang dapat berpengaruh juga pada kemajuan di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara
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